Phil Keay Education Associates
Bespoke School Improvement Support
Services and recent work

Leadership Development
Great leadership is the key to great schools. I provide a range of options for developing your school leadership, entirely designed to meet your needs. This may be for senior leaders, middle leaders or governors. It might be large or small group or individual. It can be mentoring or coaching. It might be training and/or mock scenarios such as the Ofsted inspection meeting.

Improvement Partner
If you are needing a School or Trust Improvement Partner then I can provide this service.
I would act as a critical professional friend to the school. I can help the school to evaluate performance and identify priorities for improvement. This would take the form of half termly planned meetings to talk with the headteacher/principal and other senior leaders, examine key data, ask challenging questions and provide support. If required, this could extend into triangulating performance data via learning walks, work scrutiny and pupil voice.
In addition to this, I believe than an outstanding SIP will have empathy and understanding for the role of headteacher/principal and provide appropriate informal support.

External Verification
Do you want an aspect of your provision or systems testing/validating? Examples of this might include a department review, a check of the SEF, monitoring systems, Key Stage 3 assessment without levels, marking and assessment policy adherence, literacy/numeracy, SMSC/British Values. A report will follow that will include findings and recommendations that can then be used as external evidence for Ofsted or governors.

Current and Recent Work
To date, I have worked with nine schools across all phases including special and alternative provisions. This work includes:
School Improvement Partner to improving 11-18 secondary school
Trust Improvement Partner to rapidly expanding multi academy trust
Acting as critical friend, ‘sounding board’ and strategic guide to headteachers
Advising and supporting the expansion of school buildings
Reviewing and supporting the self-evaluation and improvement processes
Delivering bespoke leadership development training to senior leadership teams
Delivering bespoke training and development to middle leaders and junior leaders
Conducting reviews of whole-school provision, e.g. behavioural systems, SMSC, numeracy, literacy, KS4, character curriculum
Ofsted preparation Q&A challenge sessions with senior and middle leaders
Intensive one to one coaching programmes for middle leaders
Delivering bespoke training to governing bodies and trust boards
Joining interview panels for senior appointments
Reporting and presenting to headteachers, governors and trustees
Supporting the appraisal and performance management process for senior leaders including Headteacher and Executive Headteacher
Mediating difficulties in senior professional relationships
Coaching a deputy headteacher to ensure smooth succession planning to headship
Acting as agent of best practice to enable co-operation between different institutions
Presenting concise and clearly written reports as required